Download Freeware > Business > Engineering

Freeware. 390 units in 46 categories. Has all basic categories and engineering specific categories like enthalpy, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, moment of inertia, surface tension, torque and viscosity. Converts feet and inches to and from decimal lengths. Converts between dynamic and kinematic viscosity. Steel hardness equivalents. Gas Constant in 900 sets of units. Excludes archaic units. Powerful formatting and clipboard features.

Download Uconeer 2.0

Calculate turbine steam consumption and exhaust steam conditions. Built-in steam properties. Wide variety of units of measure included.

Universal Mechanism
The program is intended for simulation of kinematics and dynamics of planar and spatial mechanical systems. The following performances are available as results: coordinates, velocities, accelerations, reaction forces, forces in active elements etc.

BeamBoy is a free engineering utility for calculating stress and deflection of structural beams under load. May also be used for shafts. BeamBoy is menu-driven and intuitive.

Freeware. 390 units in 46 categories. Includes engineering specific categories like enthalpy, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, torque and viscosity. Work with feet and inches. Formatting and clipboard features. Excludes archaic units.

Quickly and easily design or analyze stormwater collections system pipes with this useful tool. Any number of inlets and pipes and any number of collection systems can be input depending on user's hardware/system memory.