
DomainManagerPro 3.1

Need to know which pages use a certain graphic? Want to isolate all your Meta Tags from all your web pages? Need to review pages in progress, print all the graphics, get a listing of the page names, see all the links, and then compare all of this to the other dozen sites you manage? No problem, quick as a snap! DomainManagerPro does it all. How about getting all that web site data into the program? Simple as clicking on a button! Read in the entire site and parse the web page data in minutes. Couldn't be easier. The reports alone will keep you in touch with all aspects of your site, it's finances, and the people who host it, the registrars who register your domain name, and more. Ever need to know the IP address of the site in a hurry? DomainManagerPro can tell you. Can't remember when you are supposed to make your payments? DomainManagerPro will remind you. Want to browse through your pages and make notes for the design team on improvements (even if the design team is just you)? DomainManagerPro can take care of that, too. Want to call up html editors, text editors, ftp programs, and just about anything else with a smple click? DomainManagerPro's control panel makes this quick and easy. How about printing all the graphics you use with complete details about each picture? DomainManagerPro makes it easy. Need to manage a team of developers, that design and maintain multiple sites? DomainManagerPro can keep you on top of it all. In fact, DomainManagerPro is easy to use, gets great results fast, and takes care of the tedium of web site management whether you have just one site, or you manage hundreds. DomainManagerPro is a must for web site owners, developers, and people who are just going to start a web site.

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