AC Browser Plus

AC Browser Plus 2.3

AC Browser ( is a file manager with the ability to add comments to files and directories. Such a comment behaves like a standard file property. Other key features : - File coloring by extension. - Graphics and multimedia Quick view (jpg, bmp, gif, png, tif, tga, also : mp3, wav,mpg,avi, and many others) - Thubmnails' view. - Regular Expression searching supported while searching text in files. - Ability to follow the links while searching for files. (Great to create a set of directories of ceartain type to be searched). - Ability to paste, and Dragging & Dropping images into the browser. Will be saved as a file in a chosen format. - Simple image converting in fly during pasting an image into the browser (size, number of colors, format). Also possible in Quick View (F3). - Quick Access Bar - type 'help', to filter only files having (not beginning with, but having) the word help. Type [0-9]*.* to find files beginning with a digit. - Browsing while Dragging and dropping - during these operations you can still browse through directory tree, by simply clicking space on the desired directory. - You can drop files into the executive files (exe, bat, com) (will be started with dropped files) as well as into the links to the executive files. Also to the links (*.lnk files) to the directories. - Creating list of filesdirectories, on which yuo can then operate like on a normal directory. - Besides : most of the operations is started in separate threads. File searching (possible many simultaneously running windows), file copying, moving, counting directory size - all of these in separate threads, which means you don't have to stop working.

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