ANPOP is one of the high performance and comprehensive COM Object in the market. With ANPOP, your ASP/VB or other COM environment applications can retrieve email from mail server based on POP3 protocol and parse email based on MIME. ANPOP Object supports all operations of POP3 protocol. It incorporates POPMSG function that parses email structure, abstracting specified stuffs from Message Body, such as Recipients, Subject, Body, Attachment and more. Developer can use it to develop email client tool, web application and save all email attachments and convert html body text to plain text easily. For Enterprise license, it provides 2 more objects: POPMAIN object Provides full support to asynchronous operating mode and event firing. Log file recording all sessions between client and server. Getting message header without downloading the whole message body. Getting unique message id from POP3 server. Getting message size/count from POP3 server. Retrieving message from POP3 server. Deleting message on POP3 server. Supporting NOOP and RSET command. Supporting secure password authentication. POPMSG object Abstracting header item. Providing methods to abstract most pop stuffs, such as Subject, Date, Sender, Recipients, CCs, Body text, Alternative body text, Attachments and more. Getting name and size of attachments. Saving attachments as another files. Getting message/attachment chunk. Supporting parsing multiple recipients and CCs. Providing methods to import/export message between email file and POPMSG object. Smartly determining message bodyformat.(TEXT/HTML/MULTIPLE-ALTERNAVTIVE) Automatically decoding data encoded by base64 or quoted-printable Stores emails in local disk with MAILSTORE object

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