Real Estate Investor Manager

Real Estate Investor Manager 1.3

Designed to expedite the management of Real Estate investment Partnerships. investor Manager was developed in cooperation with real estate professionals by computer systems professionals who have created real estate systems for over 20 years. FEATURES * No limit on Partnerships or investors. * Distributions can be: Multiples of a regular distribution on a Partnership by Partnership or investor by investor basis. Percentage of a total dollar pay-out. * Inactive investors are kept until year-end. * Prints distribution checks on any laser printer. * investor accounts are updated automatically after checks are processed. * investor interest can be allocated and transferred with ease. * Prints Check Registers and maintains check records. * Easily replace distribution checks when necessary. * Browse the User Manual (click on Manual button at the right). * Try the program at no cost for 21 days. Fully functional except that it will not print negotiable checks

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