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Catalog Max
Catalog Max is a tool to help you to create catalogs and reports for your floppy disks, hard drives, optical disks, CD-ROMs, or just a single folder.

Jfuse merges smaller media files together so they can be played as one single clip. Jfuse handles MPEG AVI, and MP3s, and it plays media files through a player of your choice.

Serial Splitter
This application allows you to share a single serial port between several applications. It is achieved by creating virtual serial ports, which appear as copies of the real one. It can have up to 255 virtual ports.

A Windows Help File Generator that produces HtmlHelp (.CHM), WinHelp (.HLP) files and more... Fast-Help is a Windows Help File Generator that will produce HtmlHelp (.CHM), Website Help, WinHelp (.HLP), Printable Manuals, MS Word Manuals and PDF.

Power Registry Cleaner
Keep your PC operating smoothly by using Registry Cleaner to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your Windows Registry with a single click.

Agama Web Menus
Agama Web Menus is an advanced and highly effective tool that will enable you to create perfect and fully functional DHTML menus of all kinds compatible with all commonly used browsers without being obliged to write even a single code line.

PDF Split-Merge
PDF Split-Merge is used to split files by pages, you can split the file into single pages or save every a few pages as a new file, it also can be used to merge multiple PDF files or selected pages from one or more files into a PDF file.

ImageElements Photomontage
Create a montage style effect from a single picture. Use layered styles and even instant photo appearance. Let the computer create the montage for you automatically or use the custom mode and decide how you want it to appear.

Password Officer DeLuxe
Password Officer offers a professional solution for all your password issues: generating, entering, storing, securing, changing, organizing, transporting and accessing. Password Officer makes your life simpler, you can be more productive and secure.

Blaster lite
A cool and tough free game that will make you spend many hours playing and enjoying it. Defend your little universe by shooting at the alien invaders. Just point at them with the mouse and shoot - you are sure to win! Easy to play and have fun!

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