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A quick and easy way to produce quality graphics webpages, photo albums and photos for the web - no skill required. Create graphics web pages and photo albums by simply customizing the professionally designed templates.

Photo-Phriend v1.0 is an easy-to-use and completely customizable photo slideshow with support for a variety of frame styles, 17 different special effects (transitions), and includes a number of extra frame backgrounds and custom cursor support.

This ASP component reads and writes Windows style INI files. It provides a comprehensive set of functions making INI files a powerful way to store application settings. Free trial and demo included.

SampleDecks for Mac OSX
SampleDecks is an all-purpose sample player. Through its quick and easy handling, everybody, who is interested in a wide range of sounds, can instantly work with it. This versatile software offers you an complete overview in an easy style.

Power Website Fullscreen Background V2.0
Product Features: XML driven.Supports 15 unique background styles. Support add jpeg, png, gif, swf, and video.Supports left_right,left_bottom,center,right_top,right_bottom - 5 types of align styles.

NewsKeeper v1.0 is an easy-to-use and completely customizable vertical news scroller with support for images, custom backgrounds, links, adjustable scroll speed/direction and 9 different frame styles.

XML Accordion V3
Product Features:* AS3.0* XML driven* Accordion style

Yaldex Colored ScrollBars 1.6
Yaldex Colored ScrollBars is easy to use but powerful tool that generates CSS Style definitions needed to add colored scrollbars on your web pages, and JavaScript code for amazing animated scrollbars.

WysiPad 2 Browser Based HTML Editor
Alagad WysiPad 2 HTML editor for browser-based WYSIWYG HTML authoring and editing. Simply embed WysiPad 2 wherever you need to provide access to HTML formatted content. The documentation and sample files make it easy to get up and running.

Crystal REVS for C++
Crystal REVS is the best context-sensitive editor there is. Has Flowcharts, Rich Call/Caller/Class Trees, Tokens & Comment Panel, Real Time Auto-Formatting, Visio export, State diagrams, static checking, HTML docs, Data & Call Flows, Publisher.

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