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eRepair Excel
eRepair Excel is an advanced Excel recovery tool, which combines affordable price (only $27 for a Personal license), effective recovery algorithms and simple, wizard-like interface. Repair Excel files without a hitch!

Link Logger - Linksys Protocol
Affordable professional logging tool with all the features including remote notification, custom alarms, hostname and whois lookups, network messaging, automatic data management, historical searches, description of port services, online updates, etc.

Link Logger - Zywall 3.52
Affordable professional logging tool with all the features including remote notification, custom alarms, hostname and whois lookups, network messaging, automatic data management, historical searches, description of port services, online updates, etc.

1 Form Proposal-Invoice
An easy to use, affordable paperwork solution for small companies and consultants. Easily create great-looking proposals, invoices, acknowledgements, and receipts for your customers and clients.

.NET ZIP Component for CS VB.NET ASP.NET
A high-speed, reliable Zip library with affordable price which lets you add zip/unzip functionality to your .NET applications with only few lines of code.

CoolPDF is a fast, robust and affordable way to create professional quality PDF documents for both novice and pro. CoolPDF works as a printer driver on all operating systems, making PDF files of anything that can normally be printed, convert to PDF.

Final Folder Security
The best data security solution for all users of computer. Only you have the clue of your data. Fast, reliable and really affordable.

WysiPad 2 Browser Based HTML Editor
Alagad WysiPad 2 HTML editor for browser-based WYSIWYG HTML authoring and editing. Simply embed WysiPad 2 wherever you need to provide access to HTML formatted content. The documentation and sample files make it easy to get up and running.

With this professional and easy Web publishing tool you can create and publish infinite Websites, with frames, rollover images, music, video, shopping cart, photo album & thumbnails and more... quickly. Can archive 1 site in 1 file. No HTML/code.

SiteSpinner is an affordable, easy to use drag-and-drop website creation tool with text editing, image and graphics editing, an FTP function to publish directly to your web site, mouse-over effects and more. Publishes to HTML and SVG.

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