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PAD Software Database
A free PAD software database for a free PAD enabled PHP / MySQL shareware download site, to provide would-be shareware site webmasters with a proven software data to get started, and thus to promote wider acceptance of the PAD standard.

eBookGuard Document Protection
eBookGuard: This program is for authors who want to sell or distribute text material online. This program will encrypt your text files or rich text formatfiles. This includes an eBook reader for displaying the document. Users cannot copy your files.

Extremely intuitive and easy to use universal freeform database/organizer. Small, fast and flexible. Highly customizable and user friendly. From the authors of PrivateExe, DoubleDesktop, and Fat Free Games - A MUST SEE!

Pathfinder Download Manager
Helps software developers, affiliate managers, and others to get their products in front of users while also saving bandwidth. Pathfinder "download managers" can contain text, graphics, program icons, and more. Generate more downloads, more sales.

Screensaver Factory 2
With Screensaver Factory 2 you can create your own royalty-free shareware and freeware screen savers for unlimited distribution. Screensaver Factory is extremely easy to use and it includes special features for shareware authors.

Text2Web Pro
Text2Web Pro is a tool to convert text documents to html format. It incorporates integrated clipboard support which provides an almost seamless operation for web authors who want to include snippets of text into their web pages

Books Program
Quickly catalog your book collection or library. Enter as much or as little as you are interested in tracking. Use key word searching to easily locate any book in your collection.

Crack Killer
Crack Killer is a database application that enables software authors to track and report web sites hosting cracks, serials and pirated versions of their software. Crack Killer is given free to the trialware community by the TPA.

Shareware Authors Resource Guide
Whether you're a veteran shareware author or you are just starting your shareware business, you'll find the information in the Shareware Authors Resource Guide extremely helpful to starting and running a successful shareware business.

RoboSoft is a submission utility for shareware authors. The program provides access to the on-line database of 500+ software archives templates. Using this database the program fills out submission forms automatically and tracks the results.

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