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Add-in Express 2 VCL Edition
It is a visual RAD tool for creating COM Add-ins, Smart Tags and RTD servers in Delphi 5, 6, 7 and 2005. It supports Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, FrontPage, Project, MapPoint and Publisher.

Mail Merge Toolkit
Mail Merge Toolkit is powerful add-in for Microsoft Office to extend mail merging capabilities in Outlook, Word and Publisher. Allows to insert data fields into subject field, add attachments, send emails in GIF, HTML, RTF and text formats.

Crystal REVS for C
Crystal REVS is the best context-sensitive editor there is. Has Flowcharts, Rich Call/Caller Trees, Tokens & Comment Panel, Real Time Auto-Formatting, Visio export, State diagrams, MISRA static checking, HTML docs, Data & Call Flows, Publisher.

Free Site Publisher
Free Site Publisher - is automatic FTP client. This program gives you an opportunity to update your web site or home page easily with single mouse click!

Miraplacid Publisher SDK TE
Generates virtual printer driver to converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, PDF) or web presentation, then save to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

Artemis Lite
Artemis Lite: Article submission software including 1000's of publishers built in. Each article submitted is 100% unique. This is a great way to increase traffic and ranking for your web-site.

Miraplacid Publisher SDK
Generates virtual printer driver to converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG, PDF) or web presentation, then save to file or upload to a server. You can customize it with interactive wizard and embed into your application

Miraplacid Publisher
Miraplacid Publisher converts any printable documents to images (TIFF, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PNG) or web presentation. All the documents printed to this "printer" will be converted to images, uploaded to server, or redirected to printer.

MailOMatic is the BEST tool for mass mailing. You can advertise for a new product, inform your subscribers of news or even use it for every day mailing.It's a useful for companies, publishers , professionals, and for individuals as well;

Add-in Express 2 .NET Edition
A true RAD tool for writing COM Add-ins, Smart Tags and RTD servers on .NET. It supports Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, FrontPage, Project, MapPoint, Publisher. It is developed for C#, Visual Basic .NET, J#, C++ and Delphi for .NET

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